Where do Toxins Come From?

toxins originsDetoxification is a popular process among those who have discovered how toxic some element of their lifestyle is and want to restore their health. A detox plan may include a wide variety of healthy, natural foods, exercise and spa treatments. When a detox is complete, a person’s body chemistry, pH levels and metabolism are functioning much better than they were prior to the detox. We do a great deal to keep toxins out of our systems, but many people do not even know where toxins come from. The fact is, they come from all over.

  • Food. Food is our primary source of toxins as we have more frequent and close contact with food than any other substance, and because it has a lot of potential for toxicity. Poor diets are responsible for disease and malnutrition the world over. Obviously, we all need to eat frequently in order to survive, which means the potential for eating foods that contain toxins is high. Because of how massive earth’s population is and because of how incapable most people are at raising their own food, much of the world’s population depends on toxic processed food that is full of carcinogens, preservatives and chemicals.
  • Recreational substances. High on the list of toxic items are recreational substances such as alcohol and drugs. Alcohol contains very minor health benefits, and becomes toxic to the body when it is consumed in any kind of excess.
  • Medications. Prescribed medications may come from the doctor, but many of them contain toxins. Most medications are safe as long as they are used correctly, as prescribed. However, always research the drug for yourself. You may find that it contains things that you are not comfortable putting in your body.
  • Natural elements. The natural elements around us, such as air, water and earth, contain toxins because of human influence. Nature is still our purest source of non-toxic matter, but toxins are found to exist within it, in some regions much more than others.
  • Household items. Many of our most trusted household items, ones that we clean ourselves and our households with, as well as store our foods in, contain toxins that enter our bloodstreams. It is wise to research which household materials maybe polluting your personal space.

Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Sunshine

natural detoxThe most natural way to detox is by turning to nature and basic bodily necessities. There are many detox plans made available that involve unnatural substances and chemically enhanced health foods. There is no need for such nonsense. Everything you need to detox your body is provided to you by nature. Your needs to eat nourishing foods, get exercise, sleep regularly and get some sunshine are what your physical health craves more than anything.

Your approach to your diet is critical to the success of your detoxification plan. In fact, it is central to it. The things we ingest determine how toxic or how clean our systems are. Those who hydrate properly and ingest foods that are rich with vitamins, minerals and nutrients are already winning half of their detox battle. Those who ingest processed, fatty, sugary, greasy foods, as well as abuse substances such as drugs and alcohol, are raising the toxicity in their bodies.

Getting plenty of exercise that is safe and tailored to each individual body is very important to the success of a detox plan. Exercise is critical to the overall health of a person’s body because of how it manages the chemical make up and structure of our bodies. A person’s metabolism cannot be normal if they do not exercise. Athletic activity is a necessary part of our circulation and of our processing of substances and chemicals, which assists our bodies use nutrients and discard toxins. It also keeps our body fat percentage and our muscle mass in a proper ratio to one another.

Getting proper sleep is surprisingly an essential part of detoxification. None of the body’s systems will work properly when the individual is not sleeping how they should. A person’s metabolism, circadian rhythm, thyroid, GI tract and much more depend upon regular sleep to function properly. A person should sleep eight hours every night at the same times every night.

And lastly, getting sunshine is much more than just a pleasantry. Sunshine creates vitamin D, which is essential to human metabolism. It also alerts the senses that it is time to be awake getting things done, and triggers our energy reserves to keep us functioning at a high level.


Detoxification Philosophy

detox philosophyThe philosophy behind detoxification is very important to the process itself. Sticking to a detoxification plan can be extremely challenging. Detoxing will test a person’s perseverance, will-power, stamina and resolveand in order to get through it, they must truly want the detox and take it seriously. In order to embrace and follow through with a detox plan, one must thoroughly recognize and accept their own personal need to take drastic measures to restore their body to an optimal state of chemical health.

Throughout human history, even in ancient times, we find examples of people fasting or limiting their diets for spiritual, religious or health reasons, and the medical profession has always recognized that the substances we ingest act as more than just sustenance, but medicines and toxins as well. In modern times, however, when we hear about “detoxing” or “cleansing”, it is a result of the natural, organic food movement that arose at the turn of the century. Modern research into cancer, heart disease and other ailments lead us to intense scrutiny of the foods we consume, and into a radical reevaluation of everything we eat. Detox plans and cleanses were created to rid our systems of the toxins that accumulate within them because of unbalanced, unnatural diets or repeated substance abuse.

For health enthusiasts, detoxing is not done so much out of necessity as it is out of a lifestyle choice. The healthiest among us may not have a pressing need to undergo a detox, but they often do just to keep their health at a pinnacle level. This kind of person usually embraces the idea of food as medicine, and of physical health as a means to happiness and wholeness. Sometimes a person has a healthy lifestyle but may still have a disease or disorder that restricts their diet, so they may be passionate about detoxing as a way of keeping their systems free of the substances they cannot process correctly.

For people who are severely addicted to a substance and frequently abuse it, detox is a matter of necessity, not lifestyle choice. This person’s detox process is usually quite different from a health enthusiast’s. A detoxing substance abuser does follow a regimented diet plan, but their detox is supplemented with medications and medical supervision. This sort of detox is created around getting a specific substance out of the body in order to terminate the body’s dependence on it. Because dependence on a substance can create severe withdrawal symptoms within a person, their detox should take place under medical surveillance with the help of medications that can ease the withdrawal symptoms. For professional help, try Ontario drug detox.


Detoxification Methods

detox methodsThere are many different methods a person can choose in order to undergo a detox. There are do-it-yourself style detox plans, and there are ones that are supervised by a nutrionist or medical professional. Detox plans are not “one size fits all.” The detox plan that is chosen should be based on a careful assessment of the person’s circumstanes: why a detox is necessary, whether or not there is a particular substance the person is detoxing from, how heavily the substance was being ingested and what condition the person is in.

When there is an urgent need for a detox, for example, when someone is facing a medical emergency if they forego a detox, they are usually advised to check into a professional detoxification treatment center. This typically applies to situations where someone is addicted to a substance and have been abusing it regularly. Drug and alcohol addiction can spawn serious withdrawal symptoms when someone is detoxing from them, sometimes even life threatening, and doctors recommend being under 24-hour surveillance while going through this process. Detox treatment centers not only have the resources to deal with any medical emergencies a detoxing addict may have, they also supply medications that ease withdrawal symptoms and make the process much more comfortable for them.

If someone requires a detox because they occasionally abuse a substance or just have a generally unhealthy diet, it is recommended that they still seek the guidance of a physician or nutritionist. This is also recommended for someone who has dietary restrictions, food allergies or health problems that could be aggravated by a change in diet. It could be that a common detox plan is ultimately recommended to them, but with the help of a physician or a nutritionist, they can customize it around the individual’s personal diet requirements.

And lastly, if a person does not have any major health concerns and is simply looking to detox to optimize health, they will often choose a general detox plan that is made available online or for purchase. This “do-it-yourself” style of detoxification is widely accessible, however, detoxers should find their detox plans from trusted sources, as not all of them are nutritionally sound. Websites such as www.doctoroz.com and www.webmd.com offer great advice and plans for one-time detoxes. Those who detox regularly may prefer investing into detox literature such as The Blood Sugar Solution 10-Day Detox Diet: Activate Your Body’s Natural Ability to Burn Fat and Lose Weight Fast by Mark Hyman M.D.

Substance Abuse Detoxification

substance abuse detoxificationAddiction to a substance is a difficult matter to cope with, for the person who is using and for those who care about them, but millions have recovered from substance abuse with proper treatment. Before rehabilitation and counseling can begin, the first step to ending a substance abuse problem is detoxification. This can be done through one of several methods, but should always be the first priority in substance abuse treatment.
When a person knows they require substance abuse treatment, the first step they should take is to work with their primary physician and their addiction treatment center of choice in order to determine what kind of detoxification they require. In less severe substance abuse cases, a person can often detox themselves without medical supervision. But in more severe substance abuse cases, a person will require a medically supervised detoxification for their own safety.
When a person’s substance abuse detoxification is their own responsibility, they are required to abstain from the substance they are addicted to for a certain amount of time, usually no longer than a few weeks. This is so that the person will not at all be under the influence of the substance when their treatment begins, and can approach the treatment with a clear mind. The person’s physician will typically examine them prior to the detoxification and afterward to determine whether or not they are physically healthy enough to enter treatment. 
When a person’s substance abuse is severe, they will be required to enter into a detoxification treatment facility prior to substance abuse counseling and treatment. The reason physicians prescribe this method is that the withdrawal symptoms of prolonged substance abuse can actually be a danger to the person in question. Withdrawing from substances such as alcohol or opiates can create symptoms such as severe nausea and vomitting, and in rare instances, even seizures. It is not safe for someone who has become this dependent on a substance to detox alone, which is why detox centers, with 24-hour medical staffing and symptom relief medication are available.
Many Canadians have high levels of toxicity in their systems and could benefit greatly from professional detoxification services. Still, a majority of Canadians who are in need of a detox will not connect with treatment resources simply because they will not take the first step in learning about them. Do not be one of these individuals. If you are a Canadian struggling with substance abuse issues, reach out to the services of a British Columbia rehab facility, an Ontario substance abuse treatment program or an Alberta drug rehab and detox center.

What is Detoxification?

detoxificationDetoxification is the process of ridding the body of toxins through various methods. There is more than one way of detoxing, however, the most important part of any detox is following a strict, regimented diet plan in order to achieve an optimal healthier body chemistry. Exercise and physical activity is often associated with a detox, but not in every case. The length a detox goes on is also chosen carefully based on scientific nutritional information.

There is a large amount of information on the internet about detoxification, but sources of information on detoxification should be chosen carefully, as not all of them are based on sound nutrition sciences. Someone interested in undergoing a detox would be well advised to talk to their physician first as the process can negatively affect a person’s health when not done correctly. Depending on how urgent a detox is, a person may be advised to check into a detoxification treatment center, have a medically supervised detox, follow a professional nutritionist’s detox or simply follow a popular, publicly available detox plan.

The reasons someone may want or need a detox are complex, and the necessity of a detox can range in urgency. Perhaps they have been made aware that certain things they have been ingesting are not optimal for bodily health and they want to cleanse their system of its effects. Or, it could be that they have a severe dependency on a substance, such as drugs or alcohol, and a detox from substance abuse is necessary to save their lives. Both are important, but are inspired by very different circumstances. Because of the health ramifications of detoxing, it is important to select a detox process that is medically informed.

Detoxing is initiated for a variety of reasons, and can follow one of many plans, but the underlying reason for any detox is to restore the body to its optimal health. Because what we ingest influences our body chemistry so heavily, it can be necessary at times to logistically reevaluate, monitor and control what we ingest in order to influence our body chemistry in a positive way. Detoxification improves a person’s energy, morale and spirituality also, as it allows the body and the mind to function better on the whole.